Smart Thermostats Lower Costs

You love the smart thermostat in your home because it saves money, offers convenience, and better comfort control. Why not embrace this cutting-edge technology for your business?

Smart thermostats are winning over more consumers because they make a significant difference in heating and cooling in their homes. Homeowners check comfort levels with a handy smartphone app, schedule energy-saving temperature changes, or let the thermostat self-adjust based on household routines. 

Imagine that same technology in the hands of a busy property manager or small business owner. Whether you run a Main Street coffee shop, multiple office suites, or a housing complex, a smart thermostat can help you control heating and cooling costs while maintaining comfort for your employees, customers, and other building occupants. 

Choose Carrier, an Industry Leader

Commercial Cooling Center can help you find a commercial heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) team to upgrade your thermostat from standard to smart. We work with expert teams in Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, and Texas to bring you the best in Carrier commercial sensors, thermostats, and controllers. 

Carrier dealers tailor recommendations to your needs, no matter how complex or simple the solution is. Our Commercial Cooling Center directory members can help you with large projects, like integrating your HVAC equipment into a building automation system (BAS). They are equally adept at guiding you through small steps to improve heating and cooling efficiency and make your life easier. 

You can connect with a Carrier dealer by clicking our online link

Why You Need a Smart Thermostat

Investing in a smart thermostat is a wise decision for any business because it helps to rein in energy costs and offers many benefits besides basic temperature adjustment.  

With a standard thermostat, you make every adjustment manually. That may be doable in a small commercial building where you spend eight hours a few steps from the device, but it becomes an enormous task in a larger setting. 

A smart thermostat allows you to monitor and program temperature settings off-site. You do not have to adjust your heating and cooling system in person and constantly babysit your thermostat setting. 

Smart Thermostat Advantages

  • Improves Comfort: Better temperature control leads to enhanced comfort. Better comfort means employees will be more productive, and customers will associate a pleasant environment with your company.  
  • Remote Access: The convenience of monitoring and troubleshooting your HVAC equipment off-site saves time in your busy schedule. 
  • Data Tracker: Your smart thermostat will collect data about energy use and waste in your business. It will provide you with information on optimizing your energy use. 

Smart Thermostat Features

What can you expect from a smart thermostat? Compare these features to your standard thermostat: 

  • Software updates will improve your thermostat as technology evolves. 
  • Your smart thermostat will alert you when the HVAC system malfunctions or needs maintenance.  
  • Smart thermostats can adjust temperatures based on building occupancy and time of day, ensuring you do not waste money heating and cooling an unoccupied space. 
  • Let your smart thermostat learn your company’s schedule and adjust the temperature when needed, or you can schedule adjustments by programming your smart thermostat. 

Carrier is an industry leader in commercial HVAC controls. Check out our Carrier Connect™ 43FX Thermostat and Connect™ BACnet Thermostat for features that help you make temperature and efficiency adjustments with ease. 

Upgrade Your Thermostat Today!

Start saving money on energy costs with a convenient smart thermostat from Carrier. Connect with a dealer in Arizona, California, Idaho, New Mexico, Nevada, and Texas through our Commercial Cooling Center directory. Click our Find A Dealer link to get started.