i-Vu® Open WSHP Controller.

i-Vu® Open WSHP Controller

Product Integrated Controller

Carrier’s WSHP Open controller is an integrated component of a Carrier water source heat pump. The WSHP Open controller continuously monitors and regulates water source heat pump operation with reliability and precision. This advanced controller features a sophisticated, factory-engineered control algorithm that provides optimum performance and energy efficiency. The WSHP Open controller also features plug-and-play connectivity to the Carrier i-Vu System. The Carrier i-Vu System combines state-of-the-art Carrier equipment, plug-and-play controllers, and the powerful, web-based i-Vu user interface to form a cohesive, intuitive, and fully-integrated BACnet® Building Automation System.

For added flexibility, the WSHP Open controller is capable of stand-alone operation. Or, it can be integrated with any Building Automation System utilizing the BACnet, Modbus, or N2 protocols.

Application Features

  • Controls 2 stages of DX cooling to maintain space temperature setpoint
  • Integrated 2-position or modulating waterside economizer for optimized mechanical cooling
  • Controls modulating or 2-position outside air damper to meet ASHRAE 90.1 requirements
  • Built-in advanced control routines for zone level humidity control or zone level demand control ventilation (ASHRAE 62)
  • Supports auxiliary modulating reheat, 2-position hot water/steam reheat, or electric heat
  • Independent fan speed and compressor staging ensures quiet operation and maximizes latent heat removal for increased occupant comfort
  • Modulating fan speed and compressor staging ensures safe unit operation

Hardware Features

  • Compatible with Aquazone™ horizontal and Puron® vertical water source heat pumps
  • Integrates easily into any BAS using BACnet, Modbus, or N2 protocols
  • On-board hardware clock, remote occupancy input, and support for SPT/thermistor sensors provide stand-alone operation
  • Easy startup and commissioning using Carrier’s BACview Handheld Service Tool

System Benefits

  • Integrated Carrier airside linkage algorithm for plug-and-play integration with the Carrier WSHP System
  • Fully plug-and-play with the Carrier i-Vu System
  • Supports demand limiting for maximum energy savings
  • Compatible with i-Vu Tenant Billing for tracking tenants’ after-hours energy usage