i-Vu® Fan Coil Open.

i-Vu® Fan Coil Open

Product Integrated Controller

Integrated controller for fan coil units capable of stand-alone operation or integrated with Carrier’s or any Building Automation System using BACnet®, Modbus® or Lonworks® protocol

Carrier’s Fan Coil Open Controller is an integrated component of a Carrier fan coil unit. The Fan Coil Open controller continuously monitors and regulates fan coil operation with reliability and precision. This advanced controller features a sophisticated, factory-engineered control program that provides optimum performance and energy efficiency. The Fan Coil Open controller also features plug-and-play connectivity to the Carrier i-Vu Building Automation System.

For added flexibility, the Fan Coil Open controller is capable of stand-alone operation, or it can be integrated with any Building Automation System utilizing the BACnet protocol.

Application Features

  • Controls modulating or 2-position hot water/steam valves or up to 1 stage of electric heat to maintain space temperature setpoint
  • Controls modulating or 2-position chilled water valves or a single stage of DX cooling to maintain space temperature setpoint
  • Controls 2-position outside air damper to meet ASHRAE® 62 ventilation requirements
  • Built-in advanced control routines for zone level humidity control or zone level demand control ventilation (ASHRAE 62)
  • Optimal start and PID control for maximum occupant comfort
  • Automatic fan speed control for matching fan speed to actual cooling or heating requirements, thus allowing the fan to run at the lowest capable setting to maintain room setpoint

Hardware Features

  • Compatible with 42D, 42C, 42S, and 42V fan coils
  • Integrates easily into any BAS using the BACnet MS/TP protocol
  • On-board hardware clock, remote occupancy input, and support for Carrier communicating and thermistor sensors provides stand-alone operation
  • Thermostat linkage allows up to 8 fan coils to operate from 1 sensor
  • Easy startup and commissioning using Carrier’s i-Vu user interfaces

System Benefits

  • Fully plug-and-play with the Carrier i-Vu Building Automation System
  • Supports demand limiting for maximum energy savings
  • Compatible with i-Vu Tenant Billing for tracking tenants’ afterhours energy usage