Adjustable Power Supply
Part Numbers
The NSA-A/PS24 Series low voltage power supplies accepts a 24 VAC input voltage from a Class 2 transformer and converts it into an adjustable 1.5 to 26 VDC regulated output voltage. The NSA-A/PS24 is able to be configured in either Half or Full Wave mode by using the integral jumper shunt selection switches. An onboard potentiometer is available to allow for field adjustment of the 24 VDC factory set voltage to any voltage from 1.5 to 26 VDC. The standard unit is shipped in a standard snap track mounting configuration to allow for easy mounting inside of your electrical panel or piece of equipment. In applications where a Pilot Duty or remote relay is required, the A/DO008 transorb can be placed across the coil of the relay to snub electrical spikes when the relays are de-energized. An external transorb may not be required if the relay and PS24 power supply is mounted within the same control panel.
DC Power Supply, Transducer Supply, Test Bench Supply, Analog Signal Simulator, DC Power Regulation from Control Transformer